
International Symposium on Frontier Research Themes on Service Sector support for Food Value Chain Development in Developing Countries

“International Symposium on Frontier Research Themes on Service Sector support for Food Value Chain Development in Developing Countries”

10 April 2013

Co-organized by
Renmin University and International Food Policy Research Institute

930 Ming De Main Building, Renmin University of China,
59 Zhongguancun Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing, PR China

8:00-8:30 Registration

8:30-8:45 Welcome Remarks
KONG Xiangzhi, Associate Dean, School of Agricultural and Rural Development (SARD), Renmin University of China (RUC)
PK JOSHI, Director for South Asia, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

8:45-9:00 Overview of issues for the symposium
CHEN Kevin, Senior Research Fellow and China Program Leader, IFPRI
Part 1: Finance and Risk Mitigation Services to support Value Chain (VC) Development

9:00-10:40 Value chain financing cases (Moderator Lourdes ADRIANO, Advisor and concurrently Practice Leader (Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development), Asian Development Bank)
• 9:00 – 9:20 “Non-traditional” VC finance and risk-management mechanisms in Asia, Africa, Latin America (Calvin MILLER, Senior Agribusiness Specialist, FAO)
• 9:20 – 9:40 Rabobank experience in VC finance in Asia (PAN Chenjun, Senior Manager, Food and Agribusiness Research, Rabobank, Beijing)
• 9:40 - 10:00 Private sector in China: Longjiang Bank experience in VC finance (ZHANG Wenxiu, Deputy Manager of Agricultural Finance Department, Longjiang Bank)
• 10:00 – 10:20 Value chain development and finance of high-value food products in India (PK JOSHI, Director for South Asia, IFPRI)
• 10:20 – 10:40: Discussion

10:40-10:55 Tea/Coffee

10:55-12:15 International donor/multilateral perspective on VC development programs (Moderator Bart MINTEN, Senior Research Fellow and Director Ethiopia Office, IFPRI) 3
• 10:55 – 11:15 ZHANG Jiangfeng (ADB, Principal Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist)
• 11:15 – 11:35 Patrick LABASTE (World Bank, Practice Leader/Lead Agriculture Economist, East Asia and Pacific Region, Southeast Asia Office)
• 11:35 – 11:55 John BARRETT (DFID London, Chief Professional Officer, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure and Livelihoods)
• 11:55 – 12:15: Discussion

12:15-12:30 Photo Session in front of Mingde Main Building

12:30-14:00 Lunch at Jiaoshou Restaurant on Renmin campus, 2nd Floor of Huixian Hotel, right across from Mingde Building

Part B: Services (Other than Financial) for VC Development

14:00-15:40 Services (other than financial) for VC Development, Session 1 (Moderator: Bharat RAMASWAMI, Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi)
• 14:00-14:20 Coordination and input, finance, and marketing facilitation services of key integrator-firms to support farm supply into transforming value chains in China, HUANG Liangui, Deputy Director General, Department of Rural Economic System and Management and Executive Director, Office of Agricultural Industrialization, Ministry of Agriculture
• 14:20-14:40 Mechanization harvest services in China (ZHANG Xiaobo, 1000 Talents Program Professor Beijing University and Research Fellow IFPRI)
• 14:40-15:00 Energy and VC transformation: two way linkages (Thomas REARDON, RUC 1000 Talents Program Scholar and Michigan State University)
• 15:00-15:20 Foreign Direct Investment in the mill sector for Rice Value Chain Development in Lao PDR (Larry WONG, Program Director, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia)
• 15:20-15:40: Discussion

15:40-15:55: Tea/Coffee

15:55-16:25 Keynote Speech: Overview of finance and risk management in the context of the broader Value Chain literature and business context of Value Chain development in a global market (Andrew FEARNE, Director, Kent Business School, UK)
16:25-16:35 Questions and answers session
16:35-18:35 Services (other than financial) for VC Development, Session 2 (Moderator: MA Jiujie, Professor, SARD, RUC) 4

• 16:35-16:55 Public sector in China: Ministry of Commerce experience in developing distribution services in agrifood VCs (KONG Lingyu, Deputy Director General, Department of Market System Development, Ministry of Commerce).

• 16:55-17:15 Teff grain Value Chain in Ethiopia (Bart MINTEN, Senior Research Fellow, Director of Ethiopia Office of IFPRI)

• 17:15-17:35 Information and Public Service Delivery for Value Chain Development in India (Gopal NAIK, Professor, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India)

• 17:35-17:55 Rice value chain development in Africa (Matty DEMONT, Value Chain Economist, International Rice Research Institute, the Philippines)

• 17:55-18:15 Quiet revolution of staple value chain development in Bangladesh, China, and India (CHEN Kevin, Senior Research Fellow and China Program Leader))

• 18:15-18:25: Discussion

18:25-18:45: Final assessment of findings and gaps in knowledge and methods
• 18:25-18:35 ZHENG Fengtian, Associate Dean, SARD, RUC
• 18:35-18: 45 Thomas REARDON, RUC 1000 Talents Program Scholar and Michigan State University

18:45-18:50 Statement of Thanks (Kevin CHEN on behalf of organizers)

18:50 Reception Dinner Tianshi on Renmin campus (3rd floor) 5





