
International Workshop on Research and Development on REDD+

International Workshop on Research and Development on REDD+

Beijing, China

May 21-25, 2013

I. Background
The East Asia region has been highlighted for its forest rehabilitation efforts and demands. Republic of Korean, Japan has been enjoying afforestation and forest restoration in the past decades, Vietnam and China has obtained the highest net gain. However, Myanmar, DPRK and Mongolia, Indonesia still experience net loss in annual change in forest area. In response to such increasing needs of forest rehabilitation, there have been a number of reforestation initiatives and programs – from their respective and neighboring governments, and international capacity building initiatives such as the UN-REDD Programme. However, strengthening forest resources management and enhancing its contribution to sustainable development, land use and livelihoods through REDD+ still remain important in the regions especially in many countries in East Asia region.
REDD+ is an international mechanism framed by the international negotiations on climate change to provide incentives for developing countries to protect and restore their forest carbon stock. It is receiving a lot of attention these days but still remains a highly complex and controversial topic that lacks internationally accepted modalities and procedures for project implementation, forest carbon accounting and measurement, reporting and verification of the benefits generated from the REDD+ project.
With the support of FAO and UNDP, capacity building for REDD+ readiness in Asian countries has been implemented by means of training programs International training workshops have been organized in China, Republic of Korea, and the Philippines in 2012-13. “Forest Rehabilitation through Forest Carbon Schemes in Northeast Asia: Readiness for A/R CDM and REDD+ Implementation” held in Beijing, China in May 2012. A training workshop on REDD+ MRV was organized by Seoul National University in Seoul September 2012 with sponsor of UNDP. An International Workshop on “Assessment of A/R CDM and REDD+ Potential in Northeast Asia” was held November 29-December 2 at Beijing with sponsor of FAO. Another international training workshop on REDD+ capacity development was organized by Seoul National University with support of UNDP at the University of the Philippines at Los Banos January 2013.
This workshop intended to continue on-going efforts in developing capacity on REDD+ in Asian countries by sharing their experiences and coordinating each country’s activities for REDD+ readiness. This workshop is focused on the development of research capacity for REDD+ readiness in China, DPRK, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Philippines.

II. Objectives
The Workshop aims to achieve the following key objectives:
• Share updated Information on research and development on REDD+ in East Asian countries;
• Level off the understanding on challenges and opportunities on REDD+ development and research
• Train professionals, equipping them with a background in climate change, forest management payment for ecosystems services, and practical skills necessary to engage with the development and implementation of sustainable forestry and practices.
• Formulate cooperative research projects for 6 countries including China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines and DPRK. The workshop participants are expected to draft their research plan on REDD+ for their respective country. Each research plan will be reflecting the needs of their own countries for REDD+ preparation. Among the topics of research are governance, MRV, cause of deforestation, costs of REDD+, safeguards for local livelihood and biodiversity included.

III. Data and Venue

1) Date: 21-23 May, 2013 (an extended meeting 24-25 May is for participants only invited by FAO project)
2) Venue: Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

IV. Tentative Agenda

Please see the attached document

V. Participants
1) China (10)
2) DPR Korea (4)
3) Mongolia (1)
4) FAO (2)
5) Republic of Korea (4)
6) Myanmar (3)
7) Indonesia (1)
8) Philippines (1)

VI. Expected Outcomes

1) Capacity Development: providing a training opportunity through this workshop for the project stakeholders with the recent information and knowledge on REDD+ shall enhance their capacity in implementing their relevant projects currently and designing future projects.

2) Research planning on REDD+: UNDP project will commit to support partner countries with amount of less than 5,000US$ for each country to conduct relevant research on REDD+. The workshop requested participants from China, Mongolia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Myanmar to prepare a small proposal on your country research.(This is for UNDP project participants only)

3) Roadmap on REDD+ Strategy on DPRK: The workshop will also provide a unique opportunity for DPRK and other stakeholder to discuss practical roadmap on developing DPRK national Strategy on REDD+. (This is for FAO project only)

VII. Organization

The workshop hosted by Centre of Forestry, Environmental and Resource Policy Study, Renmin University of China (RUC). The workshop is jointly organized by RUC and Seoul National University, with the sponsorship of and financial support from UNDP, FAO and ITTO.

Contact persons:
Dr. Liu Jinlong, RUC, email: [email]liujinlong@ruc.edu.cn;[/email]
Ms. Tang Tianyi, RUC, email: RUC, email: [email]tangtianyi.ruc@gmail.com;[/email]
Dr. Jeff Cao, Seoul National University, email: caoxz@snu.ac.kr





